{{tag>1994 ts_eliot tracklist_incomplete}} 1994 | T. S. Eliot | Tracklist: incomplete ---- | length | MB | format | kbps | source | stream size | | 2:00:39 | 220.9 | MP3 | 256 | ? | 231660565 | The Waste Land\\ **Tracklist**\\ \\ [00] Jingle\\ [01]\\ [02]\\ [04] Moderation\\ [10]\\ [14]\\ [22] Nico - Sixty-Forty [[https://www.discogs.com/master/35108-Nico-Drama-Of-Exile|d]], [[https://www.discogs.com/master/57056-Various-Mysterious-Encounters|d]]\\ [27]\\ [32]\\ [37]\\ [40]\\ [50]\\ [55]\\ [55] Moderation\\ \\ [62]\\ [68]\\ [71] Eva O - Angel Of Death [[https://www.discogs.com/master/308587-Eva-O-Halo-Experience-Demons-Fall-For-An-Angels-Kiss|d]], [[https://www.discogs.com/master/57056-Various-Mysterious-Encounters|d]]\\ [76]\\ [81]\\ [87] Renegade Soundwave - Renegade Soundwave [[https://www.discogs.com/master/95622-Renegade-Soundwave-Howyoudoin|d]]\\ [91] Thin White Rope - Some Velvet Morning [[https://www.discogs.com/Thin-White-Rope-The-One-That-Got-Away/master/213912|d]], [[https://www.discogs.com/Thin-White-Rope-Red-Sun/master/294578|d]]\\ [97] Thin White Rope - Triangle Song [[https://www.discogs.com/master/213912-Thin-White-Rope-The-One-That-Got-Away|d]]\\ [102]\\ [105]\\ [109]\\ [113]\\ [118] Moderation\\ **Musik**\\ \\ Edward Ka-Spel [[https://www.discogs.com/artist/76764-Edward-Ka-Spel|d]]\\ Drome [[https://www.discogs.com/artist/9267-Drome|d]]\\ Flugschädel [[https://www.discogs.com/artist/72210-Flugsch%C3%A4del|d]]\\ SPK [[https://www.discogs.com/artist/22501-SPK|d]]\\ Psychic TV [[https://www.discogs.com/artist/17926-Psychic-TV|d]]\\ Mudhoney [[https://www.discogs.com/artist/83081-Mudhoney|d]]\\ Two Witches [[https://www.discogs.com/artist/109935-Two-Witches|d]]\\ \\ The Electric Hellfire Club: Mr. 44\\ **Text**\\ \\ [[wpde>T._S._Eliot|T. S. Eliot]] - [[wp>The_Waste_Land|The Waste Land]] (Das wüste Land) [[https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/The_Waste_Land|ws]]((Wikisource))\\ 1922\\ \\ [02:45] April is the cruellest month (I. The Burial of the Dead)\\ [15:06] April ist der grausamste Monat\\ [26:12] Madame Sosostris, die berühmte Seherin (I.)\\ [39:04] Unwirkliche Stadt, im braunen Nebel eines Wintermorgens (I.)\\ [46:36] Eine Schachpartie - Der Sessel drin sie saß (II. A Game of Chess)\\ \\ [53:11] Ich kann mich noch an jede Einzelheit\\ [61:32] Ich fuhr fort\\ [70:49] Aus dem Radio playte Wagner\\ \\ [75:33] Ich denke wir sind in der Rattengasse (II.)\\ \\ [79:54] Und dann war da nichts\\ \\ [95:02] Tod durchs Wasser - Phlebas der Phönizier (IV. Death by Water)\\ [95:49] Was der Donner sprach - Nach roter Fackeln Licht (V. What the Thunder Said)\\ [102:45] Toter Bergmund aus hohlen Zähnen (V.)\\ [112:09] Was ist die Stadt hinter den Bergen (V.)\\ [116:08] In diesem Moderloch zwischen den Bergen (V.)\\ **Bemerkungen**\\ \\ \\